A Ted Talk Thursday for the New Year

As my welcome back Ted Talk Thursday I’ve chosen a video about poop.  Now, you may think that it’s a little strange that I’ve chosen what to most is a very distasteful subject but I know at least a couple of my amigos here will know why I’ve chosen this subject.  For others, lets just say I had a dose of TMI (Too Much Information) last week that got me thinking about our water source in the burg and if it really could create so much tummy trouble that it would result in dysentery.

We’ve always drank our tap water.  We keep a Calgon water container in the fridge that has a filter in it, in part because unlike North America our water lines are only a few inches below the surface and we never get cold tap water.  Several friends have water dispensers and others have filters under their sinks or at their water source; the latter mostly because they are on well water which has a tendency to be more susceptible to contamination.  We’re fortunate that we have lovely indoor plumbing including toilets that flush and take “the stuff” somewhere in the burg; where, we do not know.  Other friends not on town sewage have septic and grey water systems, if one were to take a drive around town and in some of the outlying districts you would still see outhouses in the yards of a few of the houses.

In September of last year the Council of the District of Pedasi approved the Municipal Environmental Pedasi Plan (MAP), the first for the Azuero Penisula.  The plan is to put a system in place to manage potable water and sewage and upgrade the current system. The project has a budget of $3,737,164.00 U.S. dollars.  Some of the main problems in our region are inadequate treatment of solid waste and sewage, lack of potable water and indiscriminate use of pesticides in agriculture (some of which are banned in North America) which pollute the water table.  Monitoring of the use of agrichemicals is to be increased in the region and all of this is to manage water a precious, natural resource.

A few people have complained about bad water and  sediment since the project began but we haven’t had any issues.   In the end hopefully we’ll have a great system in place where everyone  will have access to clean water and a better sewage handling system. Something that many people take for granted.

About indacampo

You'll find me at https://indacampo.wordpress.com/ blogging about Panama...and other things.
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3 Responses to A Ted Talk Thursday for the New Year

  1. shellmcc1106 says:

    Great informative talk. So sad to hear that 40% of the world lives without proper sanitation.

  2. It may not be pretty but it sure is important!
    I happened across another TED talk that made me think of you and the interesting ones you post – http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_the_game_that_can_give_you_10_extra_years_of_life.html

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